How Long Do I Need to Wait Before Pressure Washing New Concrete

Once you have moved up in the world and attained a fair bit of upward social mobility, the next step that you would want to immerse yourself into would be to sell the home that you are living in right now and use the proceeds to fund the purchasing of a brand new residential domicile in some way, shape or form. Selling your house gives you a lot of liquid capital that you can put towards the acquisition of new and improved living quarters for yourself as well as for your family, and boosting the sale price by laying some new concrete can help you get a better offer at any given point in time.
A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that home buyers are always going to be intrigued by things that are new. Worn out homes are notorious for offering very low sale prices that are almost never going to end up being worth your while, so suffice it to say that you need to get some concrete laid at the first available moment. You might be tempted to power wash the concrete as soon as it has been laid out, but you should know that the concrete might be a little too moist initially.
It’s best to wait at least sixty days to allow concrete to cure before pressure washing it. Even if the concrete seems dry, the interior layers of the material might still be pasty and this would make them shift around if they are struck by the pressure that only power cleaning rigs can potentially create.