Non-slip tiles: how the degree of slipperiness is measured

Non-slip tiles are characterized by having a rough surface suitable for outdoor floors and certain indoor places. What you absolutely must know is that there are different degrees of slipperiness measured by a coefficient expressed with the letter “R” NDT course.
Non-slip flooring: choose the right coefficient based on the place of installation
The non-slip tiles are not only laid outside, but also in internal places where the floor is often wet by water or where public activities take place.
To recognize them on an aesthetic level, just pass a hand over the surface of the tile and you will feel that it is rough, almost resisting. The higher the coefficient, the rougher the tile. To buy the right product, however, it is necessary to take an extra step, that is to inquire and ask what is the degree of slipperiness. Depending on the needs and the place, the risk of slipping varies and, consequently, also the tile to choose.
The degree of slipperiness varies according to the installation destination of the tile
Starting from the lowest to the highest value, I list the installation locations and the suitable R coefficient to choose.
Grade R9
Tiles with anti-slip coefficient R9 are only suitable for indoor areas, the floor of which does not come into contact with water. It is in fact the lowest degree that indicates a low risk of slipping. Some examples of suitable environments for this value are canteens, medical clinics, company waiting rooms, pharmacies.
Even for the interior floors of a private house, tiles with this degree of slipperiness are often laid.
Grade R10
The places for which you absolutely must lay an R10 tile are:
outdoor public areas and places such as car parks, outdoor pedestrian walkways, recreational areas;
indoor public places such as kindergartens, kitchens, underground garages, food warehouses, communal bathrooms and showers.
On the other hand, considering the private residential aspect , use a floor with R10 grip outside only if it is covered, such as a porch, a veranda or a covered terrace. This is because the roughness of the tile is not so high as to guarantee a complete anti-slip effect in case of rain.
Grade R11
R11 non-slip tiles are perfect for uncovered exteriors (parking lots, outdoor warehouses) or for indoor places such as:
work environments with a strong presence of water;
- laundries;
- laboratories;
- restaurant kitchens serving up to 100 seats per day;
- premises for meat processing.
In private homes , an R11 tile is perfect for uncovered outdoor pavement parts, such as driveways or sidewalks.
Grade R12
This value is the penultimate in the anti-slip coefficient scale; the tiles are characterized by being very rough and therefore difficult to clean quickly.